Browse Catalog

Browse our catalog by visiting the “OUR STORE” and locate the product(s) you are interested in, only the finest Computer and accessories

Add to Cart

Click on the desired product(s), choose your quantity then click “Add to Cart

Shipping Option

Once you’ve added desired products to your cart, you’ll have to choose between Standard (3-7 days depending on your location) and Express delivery (Overnight or within two days), then proceed to checkout.


Once you have all desired products in your shopping cart, and are ready to checkout, click on the shopping cart icon (top-right of your screen) and you will be redirected to the View Cart page

Enter Discount Code

Check to see if everything looks right, if you have a coupon code, enter in the code and click Apply Coupon.

Payment Instructions

When you’re ready click on the green Place Order button, you will see your order number and instructions on sending. Orders only get packaged or shipped after the transfer has been received.

Delivery Tracking

.Once we confirm and collect your E-Transfer, your order will be processed and we ship same day if the order is placed before 3:00 PM or the following day. We’ll email your USPS|UPS tracking number as soon as available.